
is a company specialized in project management

Created in 2006

upProject  has the task of assuming responsibility and project management after analysing different feasibility models and putting them into practice in the shortest possible time. Our work system follows rigorous quality standards, monitoring and control of all processes involved in management.

Europe Expansion is a multidisciplinary and international 

team with more than twenty years of experience in projects financed and co-financed both by the European Commission and by other financing schemes, such as HORIZONTE 2020, LIFE, INTERREG, ERASMUS, EEA & Norway Grants, as well as projects developed in the field of European funds, such as the ESF, the ERDF, the LEADER and more recently, those with national funding whose origin is Europe, as is the case of the CDTi.

The methodology applied by PROJECT MANAGEMENT

is the most widely used and recognized worldwide. This methodology has been adapted through specific management reports for monitoring and subsequent decision-making by the financial institution.

The differentianting character of upProject

is in its executive capacity, seriousness, agility and experience with different types of projects, in addition to a complete computer management system (UPICUS) that allows it to maintain its quality standards.